Literally from the first days of 2020, global upheavals began, as if the world had stepped over some invisible line and tragic events flashed one by one.
The assassination of an Iranian general in early January shocked the whole world and put the Middle East on the brink of a great war. Following in China, a new type of Coronavirus was discovered, which quickly spread throughout the world. In addition to the loss of life, the number of which has already gone into the thousands, this epidemic puts many countries on the brink of economic disaster. In February, in Syria, in real hostilities, the armies of Syria and Turkey clashed and there was a frightening prospect of a full-scale military conflict and, more seriously, Russia’s involvement in this conflict. And this would already mean a conflict between Russia and the NATO bloc, which includes Turkey. As you yourself understand, this was a real chance to start the Third World War.
Further, amid the spread of Coronavirus, which led to a slowdown in the economic potential of many countries, oil prices collapsed. All World Stock Markets immediately reacted to this, which fell record-breaking in one day. The losses of the World Economy are hundreds of billions of dollars. Crypt currency also collapsed, which many investors counted on as a “safe harbor” in which it would be possible to wait out the onset of economic turbulence.
The real prospect of drought hung in California. Of course, this event is significant on the local scale, but we, the people of California, are worried. For two and a half months of 2020 in California there has been virtually no rain. February, this year broke all records. In the entire history of observations in California, there has not yet been such a thing that February did not rain a single rain.
It is possible to enumerate for a long time certain events of the beginning of this year, but what we recounted would have more than been enough for a whole year. The crisis of the World Economy has long been predicted by many leading economists, today we see it in all the leading countries of the world. Entire industries in business are collapsing. Tourism, which is the main source of income for many countries, is waning today. Airlines reduce operating planes and reduce the number of employees. Travel agencies, restaurants, shops, taxis, hotels, cruise tours, rental of buses and cars, and much more with which the tourism business is connected, the turnover of which amounts to hundreds of billions of dollars. In this industry alone, many millions of people are involved, who have lost their livelihood today.
Concert Halls, museums and churches are closing down, they are switching to the Internet broadcasting of services. Sports games, tournaments and championships, which are also the strongest indicator of the health of the World Economy, are being canceled. In big sport, a huge number of people are involved; athletes, stadiums, television, the press and hundreds of millions of spectators filling the stadiums. Hundreds of billions of dollars rotate in orbit of sporting events. The panic that has gripped the world is increasingly perplexing. Every year some epidemics arise on earth, tens of thousands of people die, but never before, in the foreseeable history, has there been such a panic as this time. It seems that as if some invisible forces gave the command: GET STARTED!
All the world media, as if on command, started talking about this terrible threat. Every day more and more details; there are so many new infected, so many have already died, in such new countries this virus has appeared, borders between countries are closed, airline flights are canceled, thousands of people are forcibly quarantined. Every day more and more details in the media, more reminiscent of reports from the front of hostilities. It’s like some kind of informational terrorism, it feels like all of humanity is testing for the perception of information, how quickly using the media you can set up the world to turn in one direction or another.
It turns out, quickly enough. Panic quickly spreads to entire cities and countries. Clouds of fear cover entire continents. In the Book of Revelation, we read about the event when the kings of the earth, (read all countries of the world) will unanimously gather and fight against Israel. I think that looking at what is happening, we can say today: “full-dress rehearsal” impact on the masses through the media -succeeded.
Something here is very suspicious. It seems as if some invisible forces are deliberately fanning a fire of fear and anxiety on a global scale. The losses of the World Economy are already estimated in trillions of dollars and there is no end in sight. Why is this done? Who directs these events in this direction? Many Bible teachers have the opinion that the coming into the world of Antichrist will be associated with economic shocks, when the rulers of all countries, despairing of the struggle and not seeing any other way out, will accept him as a deliverer from all world ills.
What is it? Some kind of “Cup of Wrath” poured out on the ground and we enter the zone of Great Tribulation? Or is this another bell from the Lord warning and reminding all of humanity how fragile our life is. A bell reminding us that it makes no sense to rely heavily on the wrong wealth and not to forget, that each person is surely waiting for a meeting with God. Do not forget that our residence in heaven and on our part will be very wise to take care of our treasures not only on the Stock Exchange, but about imperishable, non-depleting treasures in heaven. In this turbulent time, Christians need to make every effort, so that our most powerful weapon – fasting and prayer, we use today with a vengeance. Unfortunately, for many modern Christians, prayer is a “spare tire,” and not the wheel of every day. But the situation is such that the world now especially needs our prayers: The intensified prayer of the righteous can do a lot – these are not just words, but the firm promise of Scripture.
The collapse of entire sectors of the economy and the Stock Markets has caused millions of people to lose their jobs and remain without livelihoods, – they really need our prayers. Millions of refugees are trying to find better living conditions when they leave their homes, -“They really need our prayers.” Seeing no other way out of the problems, falling into despair, people voluntarily take their own lives. The line of suicide statistics is steadily creeping up, -“They really need our prayers.” The time has come for struggle and prayer – this is our most important weapon. But let us not forget to do everything our hand can do to help, in strength and beyond strength, to those who live near us and around us.
”… as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.” Hebrews 10:25
Against this gloomy background of fear of impending disasters, we wish you, our dear co-workers in the field of the Lord- for by participating in the mission ministry you enter the mission ministry – remember that with loving the Lord, and hair from the head will not fall without His will. The Evangelist Luke writes to us, who have reached the last times, the words of the Lord: “And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.” Luke 21:28