
History of the World

The spiral of events of the 21st century is moving inexorably towards its end. The age-old foundations of biblical values are increasingly trampled at the state level in many countries of the world. Blinded by pride, people put the sacred laws of being into nothing, puffing up on the most intimate: the secret of human creation. People boldly introduce their desires and trample God’s plans. The decline of morality, the abundance of liesd, even in relations between countries, ecology, economics, despondency, depression, illness, war…

In fact, we see, today, the whole set of fulfilled prophecies about the state of the world before the coming of the Lord, which is described by the Apostle Paul in the second Epistle to Timothy. “There will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive…” 2 Timothy 3:1-5 [NIV]. The most popular photographs in the world today are selfies. Social media is literally flooded with selfie photos. People’s ego is just over the top. People do to the most risky and crazy things to make some special photo, show themselves, surprise the world and get a bunch of likes.

Holy Scripture urges believers not to perceive all this as something strange. “But see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen…” – Christ says to the disciples. (Matt.24:6 [NIV]) Thus, we see that these events were predicted by the Lord and the apostles many years in advance. Therefore, everything that happens today, we should perceive without excessive fears and emotions. Scripture reveals to us the amazing scope of God’s knowledge: – This was known to the Lord even before the Creation of the World, including our election. “For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight.” Eph.1:4 [NIV].

Therefore, everything that happens – we can compare to the large Universal Tape Recorder, on which day after day, event after event, the History of the World, which has already been written, is being played. Therefore, avoid unnecessary, useless, and sometimes harmful disputes about politics, about the personalities of presidents and other rulers. For some reason, the Lord allowed, for this time, this or that ruler to rule. We may or may not like some of them. – Do not tear your heart and the best, in this case, is to pray that the Lord would give all the rulers the Wisdom and Fear of God. For, as Scripture says, there is no power except from God.

Remember that our days, when we were not even born yet, were already known to our Creator. He knows the time in which we live and has taken care of our salvation. “Your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.” Ps.139:16 [NIV].


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