
For the 50 years of activity of our Missions the main goal remains the same: – execution of great instruction of the Lord: “Go, therefore and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.” (Matthew 28:19).
One of WTR’s main missionary activities is
Gospel presentation to people of the former Soviet Union and all other countries, where Christianity for the longest time was under an embargo.

Since the first days of WTR missionary activity

we were actively lobbied for sending of tapes and literature to Soviet Union’s people on behalf of many Christians living in other countries in order to avoid confiscation. We have also been developing radio broadcasting since the start of our activity. Initially, broadcasting of the Good News was on short waves in the direction of the “Iron Curtain”, where they were actively tried to be dampened. Nevertheless, many people under the atheistic terror avidly snatched the words of truth away from the sibilant and whistling of the airwaves.
Today we continue broadcasting – we have a 24-hour Christian internet radio that any internet user can listen, a children’s radio was collected the unique educational programs for children, and local radio, whose purpose is to communicate with the people of Northern California about the Lord and Christian truths.
Aside from this broadcasting, we are doing Evangelization, distributing Bibles and Christian literature to residents of the former Soviet Union, Pakistan, and Israel, as well as to America’s people who are on the streets. For the last year, we provided the Scripture to tens of thousands of people interested in the word of the Lord.
Today we have a few branches with which we can giving a helping hand to those who really need it. Our office in the U.S. (Sacramento) and branches in Pakistan (Lahore, Okara), Ukraine (Vinnitsa, Mariupol), Russia (Samara, Novosibirsk), Uzbekistan (Tashkent), and Israel (Tel Aviv) are actively involved in evangelization, where the weekly meetings, devotions for women are held, leading Sunday school, and spreading of Bibles and Christian literature in local languages.

We can find out only in the heavens how many people has helped the mission of Gospel presentation to obtain heavenly citizenship.
$50 can help
change the life
$50 can help change the life.
$50 will pay for 5 copies of Bibles for people in need.
$300 will pay for a month of our children’s radio.
$500 can help to pay in a month of our Christian radio.