Vladimir Popov
There is an opinion that there are few believers in academia, and that faith is the province of romantics and the ignorant. This is not true. Among scientists, the number of Christians is about the same as in other social groups. I am one of them.
Although I grew up in a non-Christian family, I was brought up well, instilling a desire for work and knowledge. Therefore, school was relatively easy for me. I also spent a lot of time doing sports (boxing). Because of this, among my peers I felt confident enough to say “no” to the main problems of that time – smoking, alcohol, and drug addiction. God saved me from all of this. But back then I did not think of myself as a sinner, much less someone who needed to change in any way. It seemed like the whole world was in the palm of my hand and everyone was waiting for me. But as I grew older and went deeper into life, it became clearer and clearer that the world was full of injustice, cruelty, and soul-crushing contradictions. And most people are deceitful and selfish, their smiles often hide a desire to get something from you. At the same time, I realized that I was like that myself. But I took it for granted, thinking, “It can’t be helped, those are the rules: “If not you, then you.” And yet these thoughts made me feel sad and lonely, though I was afraid to admit it, even to myself. The endless search for meaning either led to a dead end, or made me run in a vicious circle.
And later it became clear that they are different – they are real, because they have a life-giving connection with the One Who is True.
With Him Who is Perfect, Eternal, and Almighty. With Him who loves us sinners so much that He gave the most precious thing of all, His Son, to give real and eternal life. It is a great joy to be in church, next to brothers and sisters who strive for love and purity, for a life pleasing to God. I was invited to a church meeting by an acquaintance who had converted through her uncle and aunt. There I heard the Gospel for the first time, then there were many conversations, arguments, disagreements … So it went on for a few months and finally the Lord broke me and I let Him into my heart.
I remember well that summer day when I believed, on which my life flowed in a new direction and gained real meaning and hope. Of course, my life did not change immediately, but at that moment I was determined to follow God.
The struggle with sin and evil thinking continues to this day, and I know it will continue in the future.
But knowing that the good God is always there gives real joy and strength to live. God’s truth sheds light and gives insight into what is truly valuable in life. As we grow spiritually, many things fall into place like pieces of a puzzle, clarifying the picture of the world. Moreover, without faith in God, even scientific activity is flawed; it cannot be full-fledged. That is why even at work there was a clear change. I am learning to rejoice in every day I live and to see God and His loving hand behind all the good things that exist. My friend who invited me to church became my wife. We are raising our daughter together and go to church in Berdsk city. All my days are filled with meaning and joy, frustration and disappointment have disappeared from my life and all thanks to Jesus Christ