Pavel Shvetsov
I was born and raised in the small city of Zaozernoye, Krasnoyarsk Territory. I studied very well at school and read a lot. Thanks to my good manners and reading good books I developed certain moral principles, which I have never crossed. I considered it my duty to do well in school, I did not use swear words, and considered smoking, drinking, and stealing an abomination.
After high school, I got into university. I settled in the dormitory and entered into a student life: new people, friends, impressions. My life became more “eventful”, interesting, and bright. I did not notice how easily I overstepped the moral principles that I sacredly revered, and which I had never violated. Everything that I had previously considered an abomination suddenly became the norm for me, sin suddenly enslaved me.
I became interested in rock music. I was drawn to songs that sang about the search for the meaning of life. And at the same time, I wasn’t embarrassed that the authors were singing about an immoral way of life, desperate to find an answer to the main question, “Why am I living?” The answer: “because we live in order to die tomorrow” did not suit me. My inner world is reflected the lines of another song: “Hey you cavemen, tired of waiting for an answer, explain me better the essence of white light.
Rock music, the binge life gradually is sucked me more and more.
I left school, lied to my parents, and I messed in own life completely. I decided to go back to my hometown and tell my parents that I left the university. For the first time I saw my father crying how his son had become, that he has let down.
My older sister Zoya accepted Him suddenly. I didn’t understand why she needed God, she was a “normal” girl, what could she change? But the change in her character was noticeable. She began to treat me with love and care, her pride and arrogance that she had had disappeared, she began to tell me about Christ. I laughed her thinking I “clever”. The only irony was that this “clever guy” had been kicked out of university and had no meaning in his life.
My sister acquired the Christian literature, which I read without her noticing and put it on the shelf. So I read all the books she had and began to have information about God, the Gospel, and repentance, but I did not know yet of God.
And I saw an important difference.
Rock music raised questions about the meaning of life, but there were no answers, they just didn’t know them. And Christian songs not only pointed to the human problem – sin, enmity with God – but offered a way out in Jesus Christ. I turned to the Bible. I started reading the New Testament regularly. I looked closely into the life of Zoe’s new friend – evangelical Christians. I saw that they had a solid foundation in God, which would be impossible to destroy.
And in 1999 God called me. I get down on my knees in my room in the evening and asked Christ for forgiveness. He simply and easily removed from me all the weight of the sins that were weighing on me and that I could not get rid of on my own. I realized that the meaning of life was only in Christ, my Savior and Lord, and I wanted to dedicate my whole life to Him.
I started going to Bible studies and Sunday worship with a small Baptist community (about 10 people). I became friends with the pastor of the church, started talking to him and other Christians and in 2000 I was baptized in Krasnoyarsk.
I watched a video of Roman Dyakhterenko teaching students at the Irpen Seminary.
I felt envy. How great it is to learn to study the Word deeply, to know God’s character, to preach God’s Word to people, to dedicate yourself to the service of God. And God fulfilled my dream. In 2002 I got into the Novosibirsk Biblical Theological Seminary and we were taught several courses by Roman Dekhtyarenko. God is truly amazing! By God’s mercy I graduated from seminary in 2008 and remained in Novosibirsk to carry devotion in God church for His glory.
Studying in seminary helped me not only in terms of biblical knowledge and systematizing it, but also revealed more of God’s amazing character. I learned to be in awe of God and His Word. This in turn influenced my approach to preparing to preach and to serve in God’s church. The tools and skills I received in seminary are not dead weight, but I actively use them for my devotion in Сhurch. I preach and teach young brothers to preach and live the glory. I travel a lot to various cities in Russia with the Word. I teach and instruct brothers to love God and faithfully serve Him.
I constantly ask God’s help to live according to the words of the Apostle Paul
“But I hold not my life of any account as dear unto myself, so that I may accomplish my course, and the ministry which I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify the gospel of the grace of God.” (Acts 20:24).
There are many questions. There’s no answer. I turned over a mountains of books till I found this one, till I found one.
And I drank the living water, And the veil fell from my eyes. I’ve learned a simple truth: God is love! He loves us!
I remember the cross of Calvary. I’m in a shudder, deeper and deeper I see What a price I have paid for my salvation!
I’ll take up the holy cry: Believe in Christ the Saviour! What is our life compared to the life beyond the threshold of death?
Jesus is ready to wipe away your sin. Are you ready to pray to Him? It’s all right to die in body, To be reborn to new life!
Pavel Shevtsov